Do something you don't need social media to validate
I listened to this PechaKucha talk this morning about bespoke motorcycles called Building Motorcycles for One. One of the things I took away and have been thinking about all day was to live full in those moments that you don’t use social media to validate.
That talk inspired me to get out my own Triumph and ride at night with no destination in mind. Riding just to enjoy the machine and the road. The thing about riding a motorcycle is you can’t really share the experience of it through social media. You can take a picture or snapchat a video but it really does not do the experience justice at all. It’s like making love or having an intimate conversation. That is an experience you are having with you and another person and is meant for no one else. You don’t need likes or comments to validate. And it is in these unsharable moments that I feel most alive. These moments that you can't post, not because it's inappropriate, but because it's sacred.
Julia Sheer
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